Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Is that a liger?

So, I had this strange dream the other day that I'm at Dawn's house, however it isn't really Dawn's house. It is this huge home with many rooms, formal living and dining rooms and she and Billy are giving me the tour. We come to one of the bedrooms and it is all white...white walls, white carpet, white bedding, white window treatments and I thought that was really odd. We come to the next room and it is quite large with four sets of bunk beds which Billy told me was the girls room. It turns out that the LSU gymnastics team was living with Dawn and Billy. As we are standing in their room, a large animal comes to the window and I'm frightened by it and Billy tells me it is the neighborhood liger and he is very friendly. Billy invites me to join him outside to meet the friendly neighborhood liger and as we go outside he runs away which makes me very nervous. It turns out this isn't the friendly neighborhood liger, it is a mean liger and we should go back inside before he comes back...and then I wake up.

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